At Responsible Wood, we care for Australian forests. We work to protect our forests by promoting sustainable forest management through certification. This means we can all benefit from the many products that forests provide now, while ensuring these forests will be around for generations to come.

What is sustainable forest management?

Sustainable Forest Management focuses on conserving the natural habitats of plants and animals and respecting the rights of forestry workers and local communities. Growing and harvesting timber sustainably provides valuable income and work opportunities whilst conserving the forest for future generations. This means that there is an ongoing incentive to manage the forest responsibly, with equal emphasis on the social, environmental and economic aspects. More and more forest owners are opting for certification to demonstrate responsible forest management practices.

What is certification?

Forest certification provides a mechanism to promote the sustainable management of our forests and ensures that forest-based products reaching the marketplace have been sourced from sustainably managed forests.

What is Chain of Custody

Responsible Wood Chain of Custody certification closely monitors each step of the supply chain through independent auditing to ensure that certified, sustainable material reaches the consumer while unsustainable sources are excluded.

Making certification work for everybody

Forest certification requires a delicate balance. The requirements must be strict enough to ensure the sustainable management of a forest is socially just, ecologically sound and economically viable. However, they must also be attainable for forests owners, from the large to the small.
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Get certified

Whether you're a forest owner or company within the forest supply chain, get Responsible Wood and PEFC certified and help protect the world's forests.

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Become a member

Demonstrate your commitment and activate your support to forests by becoming a Responsible Wood stakeholder member.

Contribute to our standards

Contribute to Our Standards

From giving feedback through an online public consultation, to helping drive the development of a standard by joining a working group, you can help us to ensure our standards meet your expectations.