The Tiny Timber Home Making a Very Big Difference

The Peak, Melbourne Since the 1950’s Australia’s average free-standing house size has more than doubled, yet the number of occupants in the average home has halved. In fact, Australians are building the second-biggest freestanding houses in the world behind the US at an average of 230.8 square metres. But one…

PEFC turns 20!

Responsible Wood is internationally recognised as an endorsed PEFC scheme. Responsible Wood in Australia, PEFC across the world, we congratulate you. 2019 is a very special year for the PEFC family as together we celebrate our 20th anniversary. Before the birth of PEFC, forest certification was designed primarily for large-scale…

NewsPress ReleasesTechnical

Timber House, Responsible Wood project certification reaches new frontier

“Exciting development as Timber House, Responsible Wood phase application now lodged” Project certification for the Timber Queensland office in Brisbane is a step closer with the project now proceeding to the final stage of project certification. Talking to Responsible Wood’s Jason Ross, SCS Global Services Nick Capobianco outlined the next…

Responsible Wood to deliver key wood message to teachers

“A four day whirlwind tour, where a delegation of Queensland teachers will participate in a number of activities focused on forestry education and the importance of forest certification” Responsible Wood has been invited to participate in the ForestLearning coordinated field tours and workshop at the AgForce School and Industry Partnership…