AustraliaCase StudiesNews

Lights, camera, action! Design studio ‘directs’ the goals and aspirations of clients to produce prize-winning projects

Creating enjoyable environments for work and relaxation… THE creation of architecture involves many people and disciplines to produce a successful project. Architects themselves seem to imitate the role of the movie director, controlling and coaxing the core message, continuously assessing and subtly directing the process to achieve the final solution. No…

AustraliaCase StudiesNews

Innovative work space focusing on sustainability and flexibility for Macquarie University

The Macquarie University Incubator is one of the latest additions to the Macquarie University campus in New South Wales, Australia, providing a vibrant and accessible space for students to research and develop ideas. Sustainability, flexibility, and a short construction time were key priorities in the development of the project. 105 m³ of PEFC-certified glulam, supplied…

AustraliaCase StudiesNew ZealandNews

Bird monitoring program supports forest plantations

A successful bird monitoring program supported by Responsible Wood Community Grants and undertaken by Birdlife Australia at the request of PF Olsen Australia has dispelled the notion that forest plantations are ‘biological deserts’ In 2015, BirdLife Australia began monitoring bird populations annually in hardwood plantations in western Victoria and have…

AustraliaNews Matt de Jognh & Sean Fagan

Meetings with Traditional Owners a highlight of Responsible Wood third-party audit of VicForests

Sustainability Manager for Responsible Wood Matt de Jongh has spent a week in Victoria observing an independent, third‑party audit of VicForests operations under the RW standard for sustainable forest management. This provided an opportunity to gain a first‑hand look at the auditing process and the sustainable forest management practices undertaken…