For business

From supply-chain companies and brand owners to forest owners and certification bodies, this section of our website provides you with all the information, support, and guidance you need to get the most out of forest management certification with Responsible Wood.

Supply chain companies

PEFC chain of custody certification provides companies from around the world with independent verified assurance that the certified forest-based material contained in a product originates from sustainably managed forests.

Brands and retailers

For companies at the end of the supply chain, such as brand owners and retailers, PEFC certification offers many benefits: from highlighting sustainable procurement choices to meeting demanding legislative and market requirements.

Forest owners

PEFC sustainable forest management certification enables forest owners to provide assurances that they manage their forests in line with challenging environmental, social and economic requirements – balancing people, planet and profit.

Certification and accreditation bodies

Certification bodies can offer PEFC certification to forest owners and/or companies in the supply chain, while accreditation bodies can provide services to those certification bodies seeking to carry out PEFC certification.

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Get certified

Whether you're a forest owner or company within the forest supply chain, get Responsible Wood and PEFC certified and help protect the world's forests.

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Find certified

Find certified Responsible Wood timber, paper and wood products. Verify that a company is Responsible Wood certified. Search for Responsible Wood certified companies and products.

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Become a member

Demonstrate your commitment and activate your support to forests by becoming a Responsible Wood stakeholder member.

Contribute to our standards

Contribute to Our Standards

From giving feedback through an online public consultation, to helping drive the development of a standard by joining a working group, you can help us to ensure our standards meet your expectations.