Understanding EUDR Implications for Australia and New Zealand

Understanding EUDR Implications and Certification Readiness in Australia and New Zealand As the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) approaches its enforcement date in December 2024, Australian and New Zealand forest industries are keen to understand its implications. The EUDR bans the sale of commodities such as coffee, cocoa, cattle, palm oil, soy, and wood linked to deforestation and forest degradation.…

Strengthening Regional Certification

PEFC’s Strategic Visit to Indonesia Strengthens Regional Forest Certification Ties Responsible Wood recently visited Indonesia in collaboration with Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Indonesian Forest Certification Cooperation (IFCC). This strategic trip aimed to enhance cooperation among PEFC national governing bodies and fortify the network of sustainable forest management in the Asia-Pacific region. During the visit,…

Meet the Supplier – IBuilt

Meet Your Certified Supplier At Responsible Wood, our mission is to develop and promote globally recognised standards for sustainable forest management and responsible sourcing of forest products through rigorous third-party certification. Recently, our CEO, Simon Dorries, and Sustainability Manager, Matt de Jongh, visited IBuilt Engineered Wood Products to reinforce our shared commitment to sustainability and responsible forestry. Who is IBuilt?…

Field Trip attendees walk through the forest to visit Red Bloodwood tree – the Old Bottlebutt

Understanding Certification: Safeguarding Our Forests

Understanding PEFC & Responsible Wood (Australia) Certification: Safeguarding Our Forests for a Sustainable Future In today’s world, where environmental conservation is at the forefront of global concerns, ensuring the responsible management of our forests is paramount. One crucial tool in achieving this goal is PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certification. This certification plays a vital role in…


Sustaining Our Forests: The Vital Role of PEFC in Promoting Responsible Forestry Practices Worldwide

In an era where environmental conservation is of paramount importance, ensuring the sustainable management of our forests has never been more critical. The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) stands as a beacon of hope, championing responsible forestry practices worldwide. Through its rigorous standards and certification processes, PEFC plays a pivotal role in safeguarding our forests for future…

International Day of Forests 2024

Forests & Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World! Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, the International Day of Forests, also known as World Forest Day, takes place on March 21st each year to raise awareness about the importance of forests and to promote sustainable forest management.  The International Day of Forests provides an opportunity to celebrate…

International Women’s Day 2024

Celebrating Women in Sustainable Forestry As we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, it’s essential to recognise and uplift the incredible achievements of women across all sectors, including the vital area of sustainable forest management. This year’s theme, “Inspire Inclusion,” emphasises the importance of creating an inclusive world where women’s contributions are acknowledged and valued, not just in traditional…

EUDR Compliance: The Role of Certification for Forest Sustainability

Understanding the EUDR: Understanding the Basics for Forestry Companies in Australia and New Zealand The European Union has taken a significant step forward with the introduction of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), a landmark policy designed to curb deforestation and forest degradation. This regulation directly impacts companies in Australia, New Zealand, and around the globe that export products to…

The Role of Certification Bodies: Independence and Objectivity

The Credible Link: Certification Bodies in Sustainable Forest Management Certification In the realm of sustainable forestry, the importance of certification cannot be overstated. It’s the backbone of trust, transparency, and credibility in an industry increasingly scrutinised for its environmental management and social practices. Certification schemes, such as PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) and Responsible Wood, play a…

SIM-PAC Expo: Steering the Future of Forest Products Towards Sustainability

Brisbane Hosts SIM-PAC 2024 Always at the forefront of advocating for sustainable forestry, Responsible Wood Sustainability Manager Matt de Jongh took the stage at the Sustainable Industrial Manufacturing Asia Pacific (SIM-PAC) Conference 2024 in Brisbane recently, underscoring the pivotal role of the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme. His insights into sustainable forest management certification at the conference highlighted innovative solutions that…