Group photo of Responsible wood

Promoting Sustainable Forests and Responsible Supply Chains

Responsible Wood launches sustainable forest field trips in Qld & Vic Responsible Wood recently launched two pilot forestry field trips to educate and provide information about sustainable forestry and forest product certification. There is still a lot of misinformation and misconceptions about forestry, making the topics of setting sustainability standards, certification, and implementing sustainable forest management systems difficult to explain.…

Responsible Wood's Tree Graph Strategy

Responsible Wood Strategy 2023 to 2028

Enabling sustainability through forest certification Responsible Wood is pleased to share our new five year strategy: 2023 – 2028. Our strategy focuses on certification, education, and communication to generate demand for Australian and New Zealand wood products sourced from sustainably managed forests. We aim to provide confidence, security, authenticity, and authority in the market. Australia and New Zealand have world-class…

The Entire IUFRO Group photo

Supporting a Sustainable Future for Forest Products

IUFRO Division 5 Conference Recap The International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Division 5 Conference, held in Cairns provided a unique opportunity to learn from experts in forest research, share knowledge, and establish connections with other forestry professionals. The event is also a platform to discuss and collaborate on solutions to global challenges related to sustainable forest management and…

Showcasing Sustainable Forestry in Victoria

Responsible Wood Launches Successful Victorian Field Trip Responsible Wood recently celebrated our first Victorian field trip, visiting forests in Gippsland and the Australian Sustainable Hardwoods facilities at Heyfield. This field trip provided a platform to showcase sustainable forest management and the importance of responsible supply chains. Participants had the opportunity to witness firsthand the efforts taken to responsibly manage a…

2 RW workers observing a plant's growth

Responsible Wood Statement on Victorian Government Announcement

May 24th Announcement “Unexpected and Incomprehensible“ Responsible Wood wishes to add our voice to the many expressing dismay at the Victorian Government’s announcement to bring forward the end of sustainable native forest management. Sustainable native forest management provides a broad range of benefits to Victorian communities, including well paid employment in regional areas, economic development, recreation facilities and opportunities, all…

What Is Forest Certification?

Forest certification is a voluntary procedure in which an impartial third party, known as the “certification body,” evaluates the quality of forest management and production based on a set of predetermined requirements, referred to as “standards,” established by a public or private certification organisation. The purpose is to provide consumers with information regarding the sustainability of the forests that have…

Group of Hikers enjoying the wilderness

What Is Sustainable Forest Certification?

Forests are one of the most valuable natural resources on earth, providing a wide range of ecological, social, and economic benefits. However, unsustainable forest management practices, including deforestation and forest degradation, have led to significant environmental, social, and economic consequences. In response to these challenges, the concept of sustainable forest management has gained increasing attention in recent decades. One of…

Group of Saplings

How to Find Certified Sustainable Forests

Forests play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and providing valuable resources. However, unsustainable logging practices can lead to deforestation and environmental degradation. To address this issue, certified sustainable forests have emerged as a way to promote responsible forestry. This article will guide you on how to find certified sustainable forests, ensuring that you contribute to the preservation of…

Wood You Like To Know Conference Recap

Engaging Content and Key Takeaways for Building Professionals The Wood You Like to Know Conference, hosted by Weathertex and Wattyl Australia, brought together builders, designers, and other industry professionals in Brisbane for a day of insightful discussions on timber products in residential and commercial building projects. The event, held at the exclusive Gambaro Hotel, featured an impressive lineup of speakers…

RW IVE Group at their warehouse

Meet The IVE Group

In order to mitigate our individual and collective environmental impact, it is crucial that we take action to address the global issue of human induced climate change. Paper and cardboard packaging plays a significant role in this effort. There is a growing demand for sustainable paper and packaging solutions that are renewable and recyclable. It is essential that we prioritise…