Exclusive: Inner-city oasis realised with certified timber

Emblem Apartments: Waterloo Once a bustling hub of industry, including glassworks, tanneries and rope-makers, Sydney’s Waterloo, like so many inner-city suburbs world-wide, has been experiencing a process of gentrification given its location only 3km from the CBD. It is also close to Sydney airport, beaches and universities, with the Sydney Morning Herald recently dubbing it the “10 minutes from everywhere…

Responsible Wood pushes for joint forestry standard: Wrap Up from historic meeting  

‘Australian, New Zealand representatives meet to discuss Sustainable Forest Management standard’ ‘Responsible forestry’ was the catch cry as Australian and New Zealand stakeholders attended the first meeting of the AS / NZS 4708 Sustainable Forest Management Standards Reference Committee on the Gold Coast, Australia. With broad representation across both sides of the Tasman, the committee chaired by Mr Gordon Duff,…

New PEFC Chain of Custody standard released for comment

Covered by Jim Bowden, Timber & Forestry E News ‘Proposed changes include revision of the PEFC Due Diligence System (DDS) and introduction of an all new ‘PEFC pure’ label’ PEFC International, the world’s largest forest certification system, invites Timber and Forest E News subscribers to provide feedback on the PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademark Standards. With a deadline of…

Exclusive: Forest field day reveals benefits of responsible forestry on silvopastoral lands

‘Five hectares of vegetation converted into a certified private native forest with landowners poised to reap benefits from responsible forestry practices’ Hosted by Parkside Timber and Private Forestry Services Queensland (PFSQ), more than 35 landowners attended the inaugural Forest Field Day; educating landowners on the benefits of sustainable forestry and the importance of ensuring that timber meets Responsible Wood forest…

Give your feedback on PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks

PEFC invites stakeholders globally to give their feedback on the revised PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks standards. These two vital international standards are entering the last stage of their revision, and now we need to hear from you. Give your comments, feedback and suggestions, to help us ensure these standards meet your needs and expectations. Give your feedback –…

Master Builders: Chain of Custody vital

‘Responsible Wood Timber Feature, page 62 of Master Builder Victoria April-May 2019 Responsible Wood is Australia’s largest forest certification scheme. As it stands more than 11.4 million hectares of defined forest are covered by the scheme, with more than 250 businesses involved in Responsible Wood’s Chain of Custody scheme. The Chain of Custody scheme encompasses timber processes, merchants and retailers. Responsible…

‘Responsible Wood’ featured extensively in new national marketing campaign

Billboards, Newspapers, Magazines targeted as Tasmanian Timber campaign takes shape Tasmanian Timbers are set to feature on the national stage following the launch of a new campaign focusing on forest certification and the sustainability of Tasmanian timber products. And according to Shawn Britton, Chairman of Tasmanian Timber, the Responsible Wood certification scheme is an all important step in demonstrating the…

PEFC, Responsible Wood featured at peak New Zealand wood processors conference

 “Wood manufacturing matters – especially in the regions” was the title of the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association (WPMA) one-day conference held in Christchurch on Thursday, April 4th 2019. And on hand to support the cause, Jason Ross, Responsible Wood’s Marketing and Communication Officer, was busy mixing with New Zealand’s wood processors and manufacturers, promoting the all-important chain of custody…

New Chain of Custody standard amongst highlights at 2019 PEFC Members Meeting

The PEFC International family converged on Geneva, Switzerland to discuss key issues and share experiences as part of the 2019 PEFC Members Meeting. Running from Wednesday April 10th 2019 to Friday April 12th 2019 the meeting provided PEFC members with an ideal opportunity to discuss global impacts on forest certification and emerging trends in forest management and chain of custody…