Gympie Bridge hits high note for ingenuity

“Refurbished bridge an important connection point for pedestrians and motorists in Goomboorian” Goomboorian is a rural locality 20km north-east of Gympie. Bordering Goomboorian’s east is the Great Sandy National Park home to hiking trails and the last known coastal emu. For many residents and motorists alike, the Stephan Road Bridge has been a popular stable – with generations of locals…

PEFC calls for feedback!

As featured by PEFC International PEFC is committed to supporting and improving service delivery for our members, certificate holders and stakeholders.  Accordingly, we at PEFC are conducting a short survey to get a deeper understanding of what is relevant and important to you in your business when it comes to forest certification. The survey will run between Tuesday, June 30th 2020…

External recognition and awareness raising: an expression of trust in PEFC

As featured by PEFC International By buying PEFC-certified products, we can all help support local communities to continue looking after our forests. Learn more about the importance of supporting sustainable forest management from our CEO Ben Gunneberg! “Although we have already been reaching out to over a million people to safeguard the forests and to manage them in a sustainable way,…

Celebrating the power of trees

Forests play a critical role in regulating the global environment, population and economy. Covered by Jason Ross, Marketing and Communications Officer for Responsible Wood Besides alleviating the effects of climate change and natural disasters, forests represent some of the richest biologically diverse areas on Earth. And when it comes to deforestation, human society is in clear need of root-and-branch reform.…

Responsible Wood supports ‘Aussie Timber’ campaign

“Buying Responsible Wood certified and labelled products ensures that timber is Australian grown, manufactured, supports local jobs and is sustainable too” Responsible Wood, managers of the Australian Standard’s for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708) and Chain of Custody for Forest Products (AS 4707) is supporting the ‘Buy Aussie Timber First’ campaign. Launched by the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) the…

Just Published! Responsible Wood Bulletin Winter 2020

‘Winter bulletin celebrates sustainable forest management’ Forests provide so much. They are beautiful, they keep our water fresh, they clean our air, and their timber is an important renewable and sustainable resource for many of our day-to-day products. In this, a special 16-page edition of the Bulletin, Responsible Wood celebrates the role of sustainable forest management in protecting forests today…

Passionate forest scientist is driving the new trans-Tasman certification standard

Meets rigorous requirements of a fully-fledged JAS-ANZ accredited system… As featured in the Timber and Forestry E News THIS month marks the first anniversary of the formation of the strategic trans-Tasman sustainable forest management standard reference committee, the first of its kind – and no one is more passionate about AS/NZS 4708 than its chair Dr Gordon Duff, a Tasmanian-based…