RW wood group

New forestry standard achieves PEFC International endorsement

Joint standard AS/NZS 4708 receives endorsement Responsible Wood, an Australian not-for-profit organisation that develops globally endorsed standards for sustainable forest management and the sourcing of forest products, has announced the endorsement of its new standard by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). JAS-ANZ is currently finalising accreditation arrangements for the new standard, and certification bodies will soon…

A focused view of a tree bark

Regional Collaboration Builds Capacity

Building sustainable forestry & certification auditor capacity Responsible Wood (PEFC Australia) and Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) recently partnered for cross-border collaboration. Responsible Wood, Australia’s leading forest certification scheme, has partnered with VFCS to create opportunities for cross-border collaboration, capacity building, and shared learning among participants. Responsible Wood sees this partnership as a great chance for industry leaders to come…

Timber Design Award Winners 2022

2022 Timber Design Award Winners Announced The winners of the 23rd Australian Timber Design Awards were announced on Thursday, 8 December at the Crown Hotel Sydney awards event, hosted by The Ultimate Renewable™ Brand Ambassador – Adam Dovile.⁠ Each year these awards aim to showcase, advocate, and celebrate a timber design ethos by rewarding and celebrating the use of timber in…

Matt de Jognh & Sean Fagan

How carbon substitution, sequestration, and storage is combatting climate change

Sequestration, Storage & Substitution: Certified Forests & Climate Change With the phrase net zero being bandied around, and the ever-growing public discussion on carbon, climate, and cutting greenhouse gas emissions, there couldn’t be a better time to talk about the role that certified forest management and certified forest products play in combatting climate change. “The timber and forestry industries have…

Community Grant Funded Nesting Box Project

PlantingSeeds’ Nesting Box Project Funded with Community Grant B&B Highway, a bed and breakfast habitat regeneration initiative, has been created by PlantingSeeds to support biodiversity and encourage sustainability within our ecosystem, PlantingSeeds’ microbat nesting box program is a positive case study in these partnerships. The PlantingSeeds’ Nesting Box Project was funded through a Responsible Wood Community Grant. The construction of…

New Communications & Marketing Specialist

Marketing & Communications Specialist joins the Responsible Wood Team A promotions and comms specialist with experience in auditing has been appointed in the new marketing and communication at Responsible Wood. In addition to 10 years as a senior audit team leader and compliance officer with Sydney-based Global-Mark, Jonathan Tibbits has owned and operated a successful marketing and communications consultancy serving…


2022 Community Grants Program

2022 Community Grants Program Connects Applicants with Certified Forests Responsible Wood has launched our 2022- 23 Community Grants Program which recognises collaborative, community based projects, activities or events that connect communities to certified forests and forest growers. “The aim is to support local communities develop, design and implement small community-based projects in their local area in conjunction with their local…