Architect practices what he preaches: wood certification messages at expo

WHAT is sustainable wood is and where do wood products such as furniture and flooring actually come from?   CONSUMERS are often mystified about what sustainable wood is and where wood products such as furniture and flooring actually come from. Eco-architect Mark Thomson, who has developed a national reputation for championing sustainable design and development, practices what he preaches. A…

Federal Assistant Minister launches National Forest Industries Plan in Canberra

‘Resource security’ was the popular catch cry as the who’s who of the Australian Forest Products industry congregated in Canberra to launch the Commonwealth Government’s National Forest Industries Plan. The plan – ‘Growing a Better Australia: a Billion Trees for Jobs and Growth’ – is the first major blueprint for Australia’s forest industries in more than 20 years and responds…

Spreading the sustainable forest message at Wood Dust festival

RESPONSIBLE Wood will spread the sustainable forest message at a unique event at Bungendore and Queenbeyan in NSW from October 17 to 21 – Wood Dust: the International Timber and Woodworking Festival. Marketing and communications officer for Responsible Wood Jason Ross said the event provided an excellent venue to further promote home-grown wood as a certified and sustainable chain-of-custody choice…

RW makes a mark at Timber Queensland ‘Engineered Wood Products’ Seminar

Glue Laminated Timber (GLT), Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) and Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) were in the spot light as the movers and shakers in the Queensland timber industry converged on the Grand Ballroom at the Victoria Park Golf Complex in downtown Brisbane to discuss the evolving trends in the engineered timber industry. Responsible Wood members Hyne Timber and Wesbeam showcased…

New RW communications officer relates to wood’s biophilic values

AHEAD of his appointment this week as marketing and communications officer for Responsible Wood, Jason Ross was well-equipped with the facts, figures and features of sustainable timber production in Australia. Meeting with personnel at Timber House in Brisbane on Monday, Jason expressed a passion and eagerness “to jump into the task”. Jason, a marketing and business development professional, brings nine…

World’s tallest timber tower tops out with sustainable PEFC wood

A very interesting article in Timber&Forestry enews – edition 522, August 2 on P15. International property and infrastructure group Lendlease has reached structural completion of the world’s tallest and largest engineered timber office building in Brisbane. The $140 million nine-storey building involves 3097 individual timber elements, including 33 timber columns on each floor and 52 beams. More than 5970 cub…

Just Published: Industry Bulletin Winter 2018

Welcome to the winter edition of the Responsible Wood Bulletin. Features include: photo contest winner praises foresters; tick for trans-Tasman forest management standard; nominations open for Richard Stanton Award; architecture contest show diversity of certified wood; students take responsibility for sustainability in business;  PEFC sustainable fashion on show in New York… and more. Enjoy the read… Responsible Wood Industry Bulletin…

Nominations open for Richard Stanton award for excellence in forest management

RESPONSIBLE Wood is calling for nominations in this year’s coveted Richard Stanton Memorial Award for Excellence in Forest Management. This is the fourth year of the award which pays tribute to a man who devoted his life to sustainable forest management in Australia and internationally. Richard Stanton was CEO and national secretary of Australian Forestry Standard Ltd (now Responsible Wood),…

Australia and New Zealand move on joint trans-Tasman forest management standard

AUSTRALIA and New Zealand are closer to developing a joint trans-Tasman standard for forest management following a joint meeting between the boards of Responsible Wood and the New Zealand Forest certification Association (NZFCA) in Wellington last week. Responsible Wood and the NZFCA operate PEFC-endorsed sustainable forest management systems in Australia and New Zealand respectively. A significant outcome of the meeting…