Building with timber, a love story for millennia

As featured by PEFC International Humans have been using wood to build their homes for more than 10,000 years. It’s a material that we have long trusted and relied on. But how we use timber to build has changed, with the latest technologies meaning this ancient building material remains state-of-the-art. One of the most exciting developments across the construction landscape is…

Renowned architect recognised as champion of forest certification

Richard Kirk, of Kirk Architects, was recognised for his contribution in driving the specification of Responsible Wood certified, Queensland grown Spotted Gum in the construction of the new Mon Repos Turtle Centre near Bundaberg. Nominated by Hyne Timber, Responsible Wood certified, Richard Kirk was a finalist in the Richard Stanton Memorial Award announced at the Responsible Wood AGM in October…

Australian Timber Design Awards now a virtual celebration!

For the first time in its storied history, the Australian Timber Design Awards will be hosted as a virtual celebration. The award ceremony will ‘go live’ at 7pm (AEDT), Wednesday the 2nd of December 2020 with a link for registration available here. Andrew Dunn, CEO, Timber Development Association, who is organising the national contest explains: “The awards are celebrating their…

Responsible Wood responds to PEFC assessment against ASEAN Guidelines

Responsible Wood, the National Governing Body for PEFC in Australia, has welcomed the release of a new report where PEFC has achieved the highest ranking in the assessment against the ASEAN RAI Guidelines. In a recently published report assessing the alignment with ASEAN RAI, the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management principles scored 9.5 out of 10 points. The Association of Southeast…

On location with HQ Plantations

HQPlantations is one of 28 forests certified under AS 4708 – Sustainable Forest Management. This standard is used by Australian forest growers to make Responsible Wood and PEFC claims on forest and tree based products. Underpinning certification is a commitment by forest growers to the management and rejuvenation of forests. In September 2020 Responsible Wood’s Simon Dorries and Jason Ross…

Richard Stanton finalist and 25 years service a double celebration for QDAF Salisbury

As featured in the Timber and Forestry E News IT was a double celebration at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) Salisbury Research Facility last Friday. The entire staff, along with forest industry luminaries, gathered to applaud the awarding of the centre’s finalist merit certificate in the coveted Richard Stanton Memorial Award and the 25-year service to wood…

PEFC receives highest ranking against ASEAN Guidelines

As featured by PEFC International PEFC has achieved the highest ranking in the assessment against the ASEAN RAI Guidelines, thanks to our regional approach. In a recently published report assessing the alignment with ASEAN RAI, the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management principles scored 9.5 out of 10 points. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Guidelines for Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture…