Responsible Wood Photo Contest entries pass 300!

Nominations are coming fast as deadline looms for the 2022 Responsible Wood National Photo Contest Entrants have until World Environment Day (June 5) to enter the competition. Responsible Wood Marketing and Communication Officer Jason Ross has been overwhelmed by the response as professional and amateur photographers across Australia submit their favourite photos from Responsible Wood certified forests. “So far more…

Innovative work space focusing on sustainability and flexibility for Macquarie University

The Macquarie University Incubator is one of the latest additions to the Macquarie University campus in New South Wales, Australia, providing a vibrant and accessible space for students to research and develop ideas. Sustainability, flexibility, and a short construction time were key priorities in the development of the project. 105 m³ of PEFC-certified glulam, supplied by Binderholz, and 2,500 m² solid wood panels, were processed during…